This web site was created using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. All of the written material contained within this website has been written by the web author. And I have endeavoured to make it as interesting and as accurate as possible. I apologise in advance for any errors on my part.
If there is something you think I need to add to enhance this site in any way please let me know.
Thank you all for taking the time to look at this web site.
James Nolan
This Web Author would like to say a very special Thank You to Mike Scott for continuing to plow his own furrow in pursuit of the music and for giving us over thirty years of immense enjoyment through listening to the albums and through all of the astonishing Waterboys and solo concerts we WaterFolk have attended. It has been an incredible train ride so far and I ain't gonna disembark now!
Thank You to Mike for sharing concert information from his personal archive, and for allowing these statistics to be published here for the first time in such a comprehensive and accurate form.
Sincere Thanks to Steve Wickham, Anthony Thistlethwaite, Colin Blakey and Joe Chester for the interviews which appear exclusively within this Fan Site.
A big Thank You to Mike, Sharon Shannon, Steve Wickham, Colin Blakey, Zeenie Summers, Anthony Thistlethwaite, Brother Paul Brown, Aongus Ralston & Eamon Ferris for allowing their images to appear in this web site.
A sincere Thank You to Tomás MacEoin for the invitation to his home for an interview.
A heartfelt Thank You to all of The Waterboys past and present, who have all added their own individual brush strokes over the years to The Waterboys sound and have been (and continue to be) an integral part of the live shows!
Thank You to the following for their contributions to this Fan Site:Dag Reinert Johansen, Jean Paul, David Lappin, Joe Kingman, Erwin Rademaker, Pat McHugh, Warren Jones, Crispin Thomas, Tony Thompson, Martina Goggin, Ann Kristin Kårtveit & Ole Tharaldsen, Dayle Abbott, Ali Wilson, Takako Saito, David Newman, Maria Viana, Jack Vervoort, Willem Aalten & Linda Ten Hove, Niall Conlon, Maria Manuel Verdade, Noemi Martinez Turillis, Liam O’Reilly, David Newman, Christophe Van Rompaey, Keith Prusak, Nick Ferguson, Andy Pritchatt, Patrik Riddersporre Larson, Tim O’Connor, Paulo Sousa, Anna Maj, Mariola & Agnes Socha, Harry and Henk Tiekstra, Ian Byrne, Diane McKay, Oisin Leech, Shane Whitefield, John Trautt, Cor Radix, Roland Preuss, Patrice Sintzen and Carolina, Harry Schets, Nick Miller, Véronique Castellanos, Mandy McLeod, Anita and Colin Eales, Debbie Austin, Gill & Stephen Charlton, Stefanie Pech, Jacko Voorzaat, Aleid van der Zel, Ingrid Rommetveit, Beverly Penn, Joff Jon^ton Northfield, Simen MalmstrØm Hole, Lenny Conroy, Christine Robinson, Ann Davison, Karen Devine Farrell, Malcolm Hart, Peter Lennie, Jonathan Robinson, Alex Howe, Evelyn Keyser, Michael Macken, Donato Morganella, Kevin O’Reilly, Roz Monger, Johnny Cronin, Flattop, Per Heggby, Egil Roos, Jim Sneddon, Paul Murphy, Jane Greig, Joanna Donoghue, Lynda and Stewart McMillan, Breda Hughes, Micheál Ó Flaithearta, Séan Tim Flaherty, Javi Morant, Alan Pattullo, Allan McConnell, Sally Greenberg, Marion Black, Gabriel and Philip Nugent, Isabelle MSW Martin, Andy Rickeard, Marc Arscott, Juan José Ríos, Simon Clegg, Dave Furneaux, Mike Mixter, Enrico Parco, Colin Organ, Mark Cushway, David Piwonski, Gavin Ralston, Kevin O’Reilly, Roel Seidell, Kjetil Olsen, Dominic Lake, Dyan Rardon, Joe Mulvey, Mark Wallace, Peter Merrigan, Angelo Misterioso, Stefano Bugnoni, Mag Teahan McGrath, Tony Lawson, Marc B, Kirsten Hagemeister & Perry Cicchini, Douglas Oelfke, Javi Porret, Rene Rademakers, Kevin B. McAtee, Ferry, Melchior Liboà, Bryan Scott, Mark Davies, Darragh Butler and Mike & Carole Robson, Richard Dowling, Laurie Evans, Paul Sheehan, Seán Miller, Cole & David Priddle, Glenn Gibson, Dave Hall, Neal McCamis, BP Fallon, Dominique Petit, Vanise Costa, Joe Chester, Niall Reddy, Fabienne Delecluyse, Donald McCrombie, Richard Selby, Neal McCamis, Paul Reeser, Susan Fino, Kathy & Katie Bishop, Jason Adair, Johan Erikson, Rosa Raposo & Jorge Covarsi, Audrey Bridgeman, Thomas & MaryLou Fioriglio, Niall Featherstone, Mary Barret & Jim O'Connell, Pete Cummins, Aifric, Hugh MacPherson, Vigdis Petursdottir & Halldor Vidar Jonsson & Davið Smári Jónatansson, Sharon Newcombe, Aaron Cooper, Doug Folden, Archie MacFarlane, Zimmy, Libby Herdman, Debra, Mary Barrett, Graham Ricket, Scott Blasken, Mary & Mickey Rose, Michelle Devine, Joyce Paul Junior, Niall Healy, Maureen Bloemsma-Vonk, Nicola Strain, Michael Pickard, Ron Edwards, Stephen Slater and Rose MacKinnon.
Lastly:And to all of the tapers who recorded so many shows over the years. Had it not been for all of you good people and your fine efforts, these shows would simply have become folklore. But because of all of you Waterfolk who have recorded a huge quantity of shows from every era, and in all elements and locations, a comprehensive library of live concert recordings exists. My sincere Thanks go to you all.
To read about the fan site creator please Click Here