This page contains the concert statistics for The Waterboys from 1984 - 2024 and also for Mike Scott from 1976 - 2024.
Also included are pie charts showing the show count of the current band and for five former members.
*The information contained within this web page was provided by Mike from his own personal archive.
So a big Thank You to Mike for allowing these statistics to be compiled and published here in such a comprehensive and accurate form.
Also a special Thank You to Crispin Thomas for his invaluable help and support in the creation of this page.
☄ The Waterboys Complete Concert Statistics 1984 - 1990 / 2000 - 2024 ☄
- These Charts cover ALL of The Waterboys Concerts from 1984 to 1990 and from 2000 to 2024.
- The grand total of all of The Waterboys concerts from 1984 to the end of 2024 is 1421 shows!
- The 1000th Waterboys show was on April 4th 2015 at The Byron Bay Blues Festival!
- The year with the largest number of shows (to date) is 2015.
- There were a total of 107 shows on the Modern Blues Tour, with the first three gigs of the tour in December 2014.
- The Arena one hour radio special in RTE (Irish National Broadcaster) Studios, in front of a small invited audience on 28th October 2017, is included in the 2017 statistics.
- A private show in Kristiansand, Norway in July 2018 is also included.
- The New Year's Eve 2019 broadcast on Irish TV in front of an invited audience is included in the 2019 statistics.
- Mike and Brother Paul played seven two-man shows in 2022.
- Mike and James played their first-ever two-man show together in Nantwich, UK in 2023.
- * This information will be updated when all of the 2025 shows have occurred. *

☄ Band Show Statistics: 1984 - 2024 ☄
- This Chart shows the Show statistcs of present members of The Waterboys.
- They are Mike, Brother Paul, James, Aongus and Eamon.
- James was part of the Still Burning band in 1997 and they played forty-four shows.
- James returned in 2010 to 2013, then made occasional appearances until his full-time return in 2022.
- Brother Paul played his first gig with Mike and Steve on the Wood Songs Old Time Radio Hour live radio show on March 11th 2013.
- On October 6 2013, Brother Paul guested on one song at the show in the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco.
- The first full-band show Brother Paul played was at the Isle of Wight Festival, on June 14 2014.
- The first appearance by Aongus with The Waterboys was on the live Irish TV programme, The Late Late Show in Dublin on October 2nd 2009.
- The first show Aongus played as a full-time band member was in Oslo, Norway on June 23rd 2017.
- Eamon played his first show with the band in the Regent Theatre, Ipswich on October 8th 2021.
- Mike and Brother Paul played seven two-man shows in 2022.
- Mike and James played their first-ever two-man show together in Nantwich, UK in 2023.
- Mike bookended his live calendar in 2024 with two rare solo appearances, in Dublin in March and in Cardiff in October.
- 2024 also saw Mike return to Universal Hall, Findhorn to play two very special three-man shows, the first Waterboys shows there since 2006.
- * This information will be updated when all of the 2025 shows have occurred. *

☄ Past Band Members Show Statistics: 1984 - 2024 ☄
- This Chart shows the Show statistcs of five past members of The Waterboys.
- They are Anto, Steve, Richard, Ralph and Trevor.
- Trevor played his first show with band in the Baggot Inn, Dublin on January 25th 1986.
- Steve played his first show in Rock city, Nottingham on October 2nd 1985.
- Steve played his last full show with the band in Glasgow on Oct 30th 2021.
- Steve guested at the Forest Fest, Co. Laois on July 24th 2023 and also guested in Cork on June 23rd 2024.
- Richard played his first show with Mike, as a duo in the Stables theatre, Milton Keynes on November 25th 1999.
- Richard played three shows with the band in 2014, in Devon, Galway and Japan.
- Richard also appeared with the band at the Golden Stone Years [Brian Jones] concert in Surrey, UK on August 17th 2019.
- Ralph played his first full show with the band in the Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow on January 30th 2011.
- Anto guested at five shows during July and August 2022 including the Forest Fest in Co. Laois.
- The band played as a four-piece (Mike, Anto, Aongus & Eamon) at the Het Groot Verlof in Leuven, Belgium on July 15th 2022.
- * This information will be updated when all of the 2025 shows have occurred. *

☄ Mike Scott Complete Concert Statistics 1976 - 2024 ☄
- This chart covers all concerts by Mike Scott with his various bands and solo from his first-ever shows in 1976 to the end of 2024.
- It includes all his early shows 1976-78, the Another Pretty Face shows 1979-81, and those by Funhouse and The Red And The Black in 1982.
- It includes the complete Waterboys shows from 1984-90 and 2000 to 2024, plus all Mike's solo shows from 1991 to 1999.
- Also included are the solo readings by Mike for his 'Adventures of a Waterboy' autobiography.
- Of the 34 readings worldwide, 24 were with Steve Wickham and these are included in The Waterboys statistics for these years.
- The grand total of all shows combined is 1723.
☄ Mike Scott Complete Concert Statistics 1991 - 1999 ☄
- This Chart covers the Mike Scott shows from 1991 to 1999.
- The grand total of gigs for these years is 155 shows.
- * Guest appearances by Mike at other Artists' gigs are not included in these listings.
Most Played Song Live:
The most played song in The Waterboys canon is Fisherman's Blues.
The first performance of this iconic song was in January 1986 in The Baggot Inn, Dublin.
It was played at EVERY show for nearly three years prior to the release of the Fisherman's Blues LP in October 1988.
The Whole Of The Moon had its first live performance in October 1985.
These two songs were premiered onstage only 3 months apart. They are probably the two most universally known and well-loved Waterboys songs.
Additional Information:
- Fisherman's Blues was dropped from the set for the first time in many a long year towards the end of the 2017 Out Of All This Blue Tour.
- Guest Appearances are not counted in these Statistics.
- These figures are accurate up to the end of 2024.
- And these figures will be annually updated or when new information becomes available.
- Thank you Mike.
- Thank you Everybody for visiting this Waterboys Fan Site.
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